Systemic Challenges & Vaccine Trust

Two of the greatest contributors to health disparities are lack of inclusion and lack of data on traditionally underserved communities. Unfortunately, most attempts to mitigate these systemic challenges approach these communities as problems to be solved with the goal of changing their behavior toward predetermined outcomes rather than equipping and empowering them to make their own health choices. 



A system designed both to gain better understanding of and deliver better understanding to communities, developing trust and improved communication in the process.

HealthNet applies principles found in health behavior theories such as the Health Belief Model and the Theory of Planned Behavior, which understand decision-making and trust as processes rather than one-time decisions or outcomes of “education.”  The system allows for an on-going and evolving “conversation” with individuals that is responsive to their interests and contexts, introducing new information and engagement opportunities at different points in their own learning journey.  

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HealthNet goes beyond improving understanding and agency for the individual “health consumer” to also develop data and improved understanding of underserved communities necessary to identify and address systemic obstacles to participation.  And because most of the engagements through HealthNet take place in the on-line/app/digital/mobile spaces, that greater understanding extends outside HealthNet and affects broader algorithmic referral to shift organic referral systems to work for (rather than against) more equitable and positive health outcomes.

COVID Health Portal

The COVID Health Portal is a way for individuals to better understand the COVID-19 vaccines, COVID safety and treatment options, and the spread and risks of the disease.  


  • Provide community specific content to address vaccine hesitancy, connect individuals with testing, and schedule patients for vaccination

  • Effectively identify COVID outbreaks ahead of first reported positive test outcomes in vulnerable populations such as minority communities that are currently underreported in most COVID reporting systems

  • Broadcast PSA-type surge alerts over HealthNet to warn highest risk communities of the surge and provide important information about vaccines, treatments, and other public health announcements


COVID Health Portal is now operating, a website designed to address the underlying concerns of vaccine hesitancy.