COVID Health Portal

The first way many people will enter into the COVID Health Portal is through, which is designed to address the underlying causes of vaccine hesitancy. was launched in partnership with Kaiser Permanente, local health departments, and members of the Congressional Black Caucus. Rather than encouraging hesitant communities to get vaccinated, helps put a human face on the vaccine and equip communities with better understanding of the development and distribution process along with resources to discuss and further develop that understanding within their own networks and communities. also demonstrates a key component of the COVID Health Portal (and principle behind HealthNet).  It is designed to incorporate and lift-up useful partner resources and to connect individuals with existing communities as they move from information gathering to the discussion and commitment phases of their learning process.  The system’s goal is not to create “users” but to create value and connect individuals with resources and communities that will be most useful.  In this way, The COVID Health Portal (and HealthNet more broadly) can create the connections between existing institutional/community partners and the knowledge-generation tools necessary for more robust and inclusive Learning Health Networks.

  Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy—Together

As a part of the project, National Minority Quality Forum and Public Democracy have created social media toolkits to help local leaders and nonprofits better connect with their communities to overcome vaccine hesitancy.

Select a tool kit to learn more about how you can start a conversation about vaccine hesitancy.