Media & Publications

“Extinguishing the COVID-19 Wildfire Spreading in Undocumented Latino Community”—Medium

“Getting employers on board for supporting the vaccine will be crucial. This can eliminate the fear of employees losing their jobs if they take one day off for vaccination.

“Vaccine Hesitancy” Narrative Does Not Explain Latino Men’s Low Vaccination Rates — But it May Make Things Worse —Medium

“Instead of repeating the self-fulfilling narrative that Latino men don’t and won’t vaccinate, we are better off addressing their specific questions and access barriers as it relates to their other responsibilities.”

Evangelical Latinos — The Forgotten “Few”—Medium

“Moving forward, our leaders should recognize the diversity of the Latino population in the United States and make sure to include evangelical Latinos in policy decisions.”

Hesitancy Narrative Hampers Vaccine Uptake in Rural USA—Medium

“With many looking to neighbors and peers for guidance on what to trust during uncertain times, this narrative effectively reinforces vaccine mistrust instead of alleviating it.”

Age-Based Vaccine Eligibility Ensures Racial Bias —Medium

“Biases in our health system are very real and some people do not trust the vaccine, but that is not the reason for the racial skew we have been seeing. The problem is the CDC’s policy of age-based vaccine eligibility.”

Incomplete Data Makes School Reopening Perilous, Especially for Many Black and Brown Families —Medium

“This post does what the media didn’t — analyzes the holes in children’s COVID data to teach us about what school reopening might look like.”

Trump’s New CDC COVID Testing Guidance Has Far Reaching Consequences —Medium

“This new guidance puts low-income and middle-class Americans between a rock and a hard place — forcing them to choose between isolation without paid leave if they are tested or not finding out if they are infected so they can continue working.”

We Must Do Better: The CDC’s Misleading Data on Children, Race, and COVID-19 —Medium

“In order to equally protect people from exposure to the coronavirus, we must demand that researchers base studies on representative data that includes reliable infection and testing data.”

Contextualizing COVID-19 Data to Better Mitigate Reopening’s Impact on Hispanic Communities —Medium

“This disparate reporting has created misleading and incomplete datasets that pose significant obstacles to accurately assessing the pandemic’s impact on Hispanic communities.” 

Top 3 Things the U.S. Can Do Now To Better Fight COVID-19 —Medium

“We must understand the details of how their experiences differ so that responses can be tailored to meet each locality’s unique needs as this pandemic continues to spread across the United States.”

In Louisiana, Social Distancing is Strange—and Vital —CNN

“Those who would give up essential safety, to purchase a little temporary economic prosperity, ultimately receive neither safety nor prosperity…Coming together means staying apart…I believe that the same networked world that brought us this horrible disease can be what saves us. During this global pandemic, we are all each other's own.”

Could Coronavirus Save America’s Future? —Medium

COVID-19 will change America and our world. What that new world looks like is up to us…There is great power in data, but only because it reflects the even greater power, value, and potential in our modern society that we have been failing to harness. There has never been a better opportunity or greater need to speed development of systems and thought around crowdsourcing and develop better ways to measure and recognize the value of individuals pursuing their passions and supporting the common good.”

Want Better AI? Give it a Better Purpose. — Medium

“Data privacy matters, but how we are training our AI probably matters more. Through our work building machine learning systems to help veterans with severe PTSD, Public Democracy uncovered powerful truths about what is possible with AI when we use better data and shift its focus.”

Crowdsourcing Can Fix Our Data & Privacy Woes — Medium

“When we understand big data for what it truly is, we gain access to the communal wisdom and diversity of insight from the crowd. We also gain a better understanding of the worth of each individual data creator.”

Three Ways ‘Data for Good’ Can Make All Data Better — Medium

“Every single moment of commitment and contribution in our Values Data paints a much truer picture of who we all are; taken together, this data can teach algorithms to understand humanity in deeper and more meaningful ways, too.”

U.S. Census Features Public Democracy’s Community-Focused Data — U.S. Census

“Public Democracy uses ACS data, proprietary enterprise-level marking systems, and [its own] data…to ensure that community priorities inform Opportunity Zone strategies for policy decision-makers, economic development officials, and investors.”

AI Squares Off Against the Opioid Crisis & Could Be The Tech That Actually Solves It — Grit Daily

“The Public Democracy Opioid Project wants to use consumer data for actual good, not for compromising our personal security and information.”

Public Democracy Taps LiveRamp to Bring Its Values Data Solution to Market Joint Release from LiveRamp & Public Democracy

LiveRamp Partner Roundup: Public Democracy, Analytic Partners, Quora LiveRamp